On 14 August 2021, a gastropicnic took place in Szepsi, thanks to a successful application of the Youth for the Bódva Valley Civic Association in the framework of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and supported by the European Union. The venue was the local amphitheatre.
The all-day event included a farmers’ and crafts market, where the public could buy products from local and Hungarian vendors. Children were entertained with a colourful children’s programme and there was also a bouncy castle. Adults could test their gastronomic skills in a cooking competition. A total of ten teams competed and the winning team at the end of the day was BIKSZE (Bereg Youth Culture and Leisure Association), the project partner of the event organiser. All participants received a gastronomic publication and a gastronomic map made for the gastropicnic. The entertainment was provided by reTROCK, Mona Lisa Smile and Alldevils. The evening ended with a fireworks display in honour of the founding of the state.
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